Friday, July 16, 2010

Lexa at Rest

Every day, Lexa's sweet personality emerges more and more. She had a bit of a tough start to the week as she was spayed on Monday, but she's feeling much better now and would really like to romp with the other dogs. No romping, tho, 'til July 22 when she gets her stitches out.

Instead of romping, she follows my big boy hound, Shadow, around. I think he's her role model. That's good because in this heat, all they want to do is lay under the ceiling fan and nap.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yard Fun

At first, Lexa was leery about going out into the yard with our other hounds, but that's all in the past. Now, she's eager to go out and nose around with Shadow, Kelly and Athena. She hasn't quite caught onto laying in the grass in the sun, which is our crew's favorite hobby, but she'll catch on soon.

She went to Grassmere yesterday to be spayed and will be coming home today. She'll have to give up the afternoon runs with the gang for 10 days or so 'til she heals. In the meantime, I'm sure she'll find plenty of other ways to entertain herself.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lexa's First M&G

Lexa made her debut this afternoon at the Factory M&G. She's come light years in overcoming a bit of shyness since arriving in Nashville last week. She greeted all manner of people and hounds and met her first children without concern. She was at ease in this new and noisy environment. That's what I call progress for a new hound. On the way home, she noshed on a few treats that she took gently from my hand.

On Monday, she'll be spayed, so she'll be off the M&G cycle for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, we'll keep giving her new experiences and easing her into the life of a pet.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Ray and I picked up Lexa at Birmingham on Saturday. I walked her through the kennel compound and she kept looking back over her shoulder. I think she was wondering why she was walking away from the track and her kennel home. She rode back well, and even played a little with a toy that was in the back of Ray's car.

She's settled in here with our pack without event. Has had perfect housebreaking manners, ignores the cats and crates without complaint or concern. She loves going outside with the other dogs, but at first was unsure about getting off the deck. This morning, she chewed on her first bully stick and took a treat from Ray's hand for the first time. With a new hound, it's all about baby steps.

Lexa has arrived!

Just look at that beautiful face! We will know more from her foster family soon. We are glad she is joining us in Nashville. I bet she'll find the perfect forever home here!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Waiting for Lexa...

Lexa should be joining us this weekend, and we can't wait to meet her! Keep checking because we expect pictures and updates soon!